Anyway! We were lucky we managed to get the seats pretty quickly as the place was crowded after we came in! I love that small private garden feel right at the end of the cafe, especially with sunlight shining in. =)

As for the food, I guess they are called Chocolate cafe for a reason, nothing fantastic about their main course but I liked the toast and orange juice, the rest of the food were just so-so.

Grandslam, $15

Tuna with Cheesy Toast, $3.50
(Well, I thought it would be similar to the Tuna Meltz I had in Fabulous Bakers Boy, feelings cheated. haha)
The highlight of our meal would be the waffle with salted caramel ice cream and chocolate sauce! I love it and it costs only $8.50! Why wait for Waffles Tuesday in Gelare Cafe right? haha.

Overall I have good impression of the dessert and the place. Though they were called "Chocolate" cafe but I didn't get a chance to try anything chocolate -_- so I will definitely visit again especially for the famous Root Beer cake!
Address: 15-2 Jalan Riang (Serangoon area)
Purposeful Traveller - Wimbly Lu chocolate cafe checked!