Wednesday 18 June 2014

Travel - Ihlara Valley

Ihlara Valley hike was part of the green tour I took (120TL, about SGD 72) and it turned out to be the highlight for me!

The underground city was awesome, but I did not expect this hike so it was like a gem found. The 3km hike was leisure and not tiring, the weather was perfect, cooling and I did not perspire at all!! Kind of made me miss that place now that I am back in Singapore where I perspire the moment I step out of bathroom. >.<

The valley was formed from volcanic eruption many donkey years ago

It is actually a pretty long route (14km if I am right) but we did only 3km, someday I hope to return and hike all the way!

We have to climb down these stairs before reaching a small monastery

Then the hike begun, just follow the path along the river.

See, I can even wear long sleeve to hike.

Surrounded by Mother Nature

There are many different valleys, with different hiking routes. Let's hope one day I can return for more. Cheers.

Purposeful Traveller - Gem found.

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