Tuesday 8 October 2013

Cafe - Craft Bakery

I have not been to Holland Village for quite sometime, my sister introduced me to this cafe. Thus we decided to check it out on a Friday afternoon.

Craft Bakery cafe is relatively new, a few months old as told by the staff. =) Their coffee beans are taken from Papa Palheta (related to Loysel Toy, Chye Seng Huat), they have desserts from 3-inch sin as well.

We ordered their Lunch-hour promo, comes with coffee/tea, soup/sald and pasta/sandwich. $19 nett. If you ask me, I think can do without the set, just the mains + coffee will be good enough, cheaper this way too.

Waffles with bacon, the bacon reminded me of Bak Kwa. We both like it. =)

Roast Chicken sandwich with wholemeal panini bread. Wholesome, healthy and yummy. 

A simple afternoon spent, I enjoyed the food and company. I will go back to try their dessert I guess!

Purposeful Traveller - Desserts next time.

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