Sunday 5 January 2014

Why I love this movie

I don't exactly remember when was the last time a movie made me had such strong emotions but this movie definitely stirred my emotions about living my dream.

Sometimes in life, events crippled our courage, that courage to step into the unknown, to step out and reach out to the life we want to live.

Perhaps I am in that transition again. I don't want to be stuck in this race of life that I cannot get out. I want to do what I love, and I want to do it passionately. I want to travel, I want to see the world, I want to dream again.

Life is about courage and going into the unknown.

To see the world,
Things dangerous to come to,
To see behind walls,
To draw closer and feel each other, that is the purpose of life.

Life, is dedicated to the people who made it happened.

I want to stop dreaming and start living my dream.

Purposeful Traveller -  I want to be a purposeful traveller, that is life.

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